Education is the single best investment you can make for your child. We understand that for many families, giving your child the gift of an authentic Montessori education involves planning, prioritizing and, sometimes, making tough financial choices. We also believe deeply in protecting the socio-economic diversity that we have at our School, and have multiple tools to assist families who are experiencing financial hardship or could not otherwise afford our tuition. Our approach to affordability is also rooted in our strong desire and commitment to building the sense of community and the culture of partnership at Greensboro Montessori School.
If you are unsure whether your family would qualify for assistance, but you know that paying tuition is an uncomfortable stretch, please consider the following programs and choices.
Our Financial Assistance Program is a need-based program, which makes financial assistance available to families who cannot otherwise afford our tuition. Financial assistance is reviewed and granted on an annual basis and is available to students enrolling in kindergarten through ninth grade. Additionally, Greensboro Montessori School bases awards on a family’s ability to afford tuition only. Before- and after-school care expenses (the cost of All-Inclusive CASA and Early-Bird CASA), as well as other expenses outside tuition, are not included.
During the current school year, Greensboro Montessori School offered nearly $450,000 in need-based tuition assistance to over 37% of our K-9 student population. If you are unsure whether your family would qualify for Financial Assistance, but you know that paying tuition is an uncomfortable stretch, please consider applying.
For families who choose to apply, we request they prioritize educational costs after necessary living expenses. As such, we use an independent and impartial third-party agency to determine a recommendation for an expected family contribution. We also encourage families to include a Family Letter describing individual circumstances impacting their situation and resources in the online application. When there are dramatic changes in a family’s financial situation due to a significant setback, we work as hard as possible for the child to remain at our School.
To apply for Financial Assistance as a returning family, complete the online application through FAST by March 15. To learn more about the application process, view FAST's Family Application Guide.
To apply for Financial Assistance as a new family:
- Complete the application for enrollment process by March 15. (The application process is complete once you have 1) attended a virtual information session or toured the school; 2) submitted your written application, including all supporting documents; and 3) attended your family and student visits. Kindly note, awards are only offered students who are offered admission to Greensboro Montessori School.
- Complete the online application through FAST by April 1. To learn more about the application process, view FAST's Family Application Guide.
The online application for Financial Assistance uses a service called Financial Aid for School Tuition or “FAST.” This service is sponsored by Independent School Management, and there is a $60 application fee payable directly to FAST.
FAST will use the information families provide to make a recommendation to the School for how much a family can afford to contribute for education. Factors considered in the process include family income and expenses, assets and indebtedness, family size, age of parents, number of children attending tuition-charging schools, and financial assistance received from extended family or other sources. Greensboro Montessori School will consider the recommendation from FAST and make final determinations based on the resources available in the School’s general operating budget. Financial assistance must be applied for annually, and returning families receive priority as the School determines how to allocate assistance.
- All North Carolina students in kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to receive an Opportunity Scholarship regardless of income.
- For the 2025-26 school year, scholarship amounts will range from $3,458 to $7,686.
- Prior public school enrollment is not a requirement for eligibility for the scholarship. Students currently enrolled at Greensboro Montessori School or other nonpublic schools in North Carolina, regardless of grade, will now be eligible to receive the scholarship.
- Scholarship amounts will be awarded based on household income to the extent funds remain available.
Greensboro Montessori School offers three payment plans to meet families’ cash flow needs:
- Payment due in full in June.
- Payment due in four quarterly installments in June, September, December, and March.
- Payment due in 12 installments due monthly from June through May.
For families who want to bundle annual tuition with other program fees – such as summer program fees and Extended Care fees – we also build custom payment schedules outside these plans.